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They will bury us deep, once we’re dead,
And the grass will then cover the mound,
And we’ll hear: somewhere high, overhead,
A passing shower will water the ground.

From then on, we’ll seek nothing at all,
Waking up from a dream, we will reason:
If it’s quiet outside – it’s the fall,
If it’s turbulent – spring is in season.

It’s so nice that our drowsy sensations
Won’t troubled by grief and delight,
Separation and love’s complications
Cannot break, through the coffin, inside.

It’s so homely, we’ve found what we sought;
Here, one day, we may just comprehend
How a senseless life differs somewhat
From a sensible one for a man.

Alexander Blok

reference images - representation of atmosphere of the poem

a final part of the project - vehicle

about the project

death can be rescue or

awakening from sleep we call life

The project was made for Morphology class which was about working on meaning, This is a piece of my final work – Vehicle (keyword: deliverance). 

 The project challenged me to be able to work with meaning and translation. Sometimes it is hard to keep balance to gain a particular level of abstraction, but still not to lose the sense of content and not to make it too literal.

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